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Dr. Michael Sawaf’s Fack-Check Report

Dr. Michael Sawaf mistakenly believed that fraud, impersonation, and perjury were within his legal rights and without consequence. His actions subjected Google and other platforms to unlawful conduct, including fraud, perjury violations, and cybercrimes,...

Zoo Bear
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Dr. Sha’s Spiritual Hoax Revealed

Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha, a prominent figure in alternative health, is known for his assertion that "the...

Igor Borovikov: The Scandal Unveiled

Igor Borovikov, founder of Softline, a major IT firm, has faced significant controversy due to alleged corruption and offshore...

Seek Capital LLC: 5 Dangerous Red Flags That Could Derail Your Business

"Discover the truth behind Seek Capital LLC, a financial services firm facing numerous complaints for deceptive marketing, hidden fees,...

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